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Current position: Adjunct Assistant Professor

Education: Ph.D., Rutgers University (Media Studies)

Selected Publications:


2020    Bullinger, J. Reagan’s “boys” and the children of the greatest generation: U.S. World War II memory, 1984 and beyond. Routledge.

Book Chapters:

2023    Bullinger, J. and Trammell, A. Fortress America (1986). In C. Randl and M. Lasansky (Eds.), Playing Place: Board Games, Popular Culture, and Representations of Architecture, Space, and Place. MIT Press.

2019    Bullinger, J. Lego historical war sub-cultures: Idealized play & nostalgia. In R. Lizardi (Ed.), Subjectivities of interactive nostalgia. Peter Lang Publishing Group.

2013    Salvati, A. & Bullinger, J. Selective authenticity and the playable past. In A. Elliott & M. Kapell, (Eds.), Playing with the past: Digital games and the simulation of history (pp. 153-167). New York: Continuum.

Journal Articles:

2025 [accepted; forthcoming] Salvati, A. & Bullinger, J. A commemoration of memory: HBO’s Band of Brothers Podcast, authenticity, and fan-based intimate publics. Television & New Media.

2022    Bullinger, J. Marvel tells / sells its own history: Figureheads, promotion, curation, and application, 1982-1987. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics.

2015    Bullinger, J. Experiential branding and curating the social space. Teaching Media                                  Quarterly, 3 (4), 1-8.

2011    Bullinger, J. & Salvati, A. A theory of brandWW2. Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture, 11(4)

Selected Courses Taught:

Memory, Media, & Identity; American Public Address (Collective Memory-focused); Media Research Methods; Media History, Data in Context, and Media Writing.